24 January 2012

Injured cyclist recovers £11,000

Our client was cycling on Hackney Road on September 2010 when she was involved in a road traffic accident. A truck passing on her right hand side knocked her off her bike, pulling her along the ground. She suffered soft tissue injuries and psychological difficulties after the accident. At the time of the accident, she was studying accountancy and was unable to continue her studies as a result of the accident. 
We obtained CCTV evidence showing that the driver of the truck did not leave sufficient space between the truck and our client while trying to overtake her.  We also obtained a neurologist and psychiatric report outlining in detail our client’s injuries.  We argued that the CCTV evidence showed that the truck driver was at fault by getting too close to the  bike. The Defendant’s insurers failed to accept  liability, and so we prepared court papers and issued the claim in the county court. Soon after, we received an offer from the  insurers of £7,000.  However, we believed that our client’s injuries and suffering placed her claim at a higher value. We therefore put forward an offer of £11,000 which was accepted.
Our client was delighted with this sum and has helped  to  put a frightening experience behind her.